martes, 20 de abril de 2010


Gaur honako testua analizatu dugu:

Hill-stone was content
To be cut, to be carted
And fixed in its new place

It let itself be constripted
Into mills. And it stayed in position
Defending this slavery against all.

It forgot its wild roots
Its earth-song
In cement and drum-song of looms

And inside the mills mandkind
With bodies that came and went
Stayed in position, fixed like stones
Trembling in the song of the looms.

And they too become four-cornered,
In their long, darkening, dwindling
Against the guerrilla patience
of the soft hill water
[Ted Hughes]

Eta bada garaia agur bat egiteko.
Nire landara...definitibamente hil egin zen duela 4 hilabete... :( Agur eta ohore

Elur-euria gaur hemen :/
Ikasgai interesgarri baten ostean, atsalde osoa Harukarekin pasa dut liburutegian. 10 minutura daukagun lagunen etxera goaz afaltzera orain. Merezitako atseden bat azkenean. :)

ondo segi!

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