miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Etxera buelta bixkor iritsitako maiatzean

Bi astetik behin bezala, hemen doa atzo aztertu genuen testua: (ez izutu)

For starters, I have a confession to make. I have two confessions to make, two things. One of them is that I miss my old friends, my old life - everything I did and everyone I did it with and everywhere we did it. I remember every meal I have ever eaten and I miss them all equally. I miss five minutes ago. What I'm saying is that I am sentimental and nostalgic. The other thing I forget.

Where I am right now is on the street, sitting on the curb, to be exact, with my legs sticking straight out in front of me, like my future. My legs are actually in the street, and cars could conceivably come and run over them. I'm waiting for the bus. The bus could conceivably run over my future too; in fact it's more likely that it would be the bus because the part of the street my legs are in is a bus stop. But the bus is late. People are pilling up behind me. It's not the warmest night of the year, but the general attitude here is one of patience and friendliness. No one is ready to kill. Every now and then someone will sort of look at their watch. I have to admit that I moved to the city because I wanted to see somebody get killed.

The other day a guy was beaten to death by some guys. I was having sex at that time, but later that night I went to the scene of the crime and tried to find brains, a tooth, anything.

I miss eggs.

Today I had three meals: breakfast, lunch, and supper. I remember them. I will never forget them.

I am currently twenty-three years old.

If the bus ever comes - if it comes in the next three minutes, actually - I will make it home in time to pick up a bag of chips at Lotty's convenience store, which closes at eleven.
Everything closes at eleven in this town.
It's ridiculous. My joke is that in this town even the all-night donut shops close at eleven. My lease expires in two months. I think that after that I will move to a corn field for a few years, not because I don't like it here, because I do. I just also like corn.

[LEONE, Dan. Memory Guy]

Atzo goizean berria jaso nuen; ETBko praktiketako entrebista maiatzaren 20an daukat, Bilbon. Ezinezkoa da online egitea (XXI.mendeko hedabide batean!!) beraz.... Bizkor iritsi da etxea berriro ikusteko aukera. Maiatzaren 17an Gironara noa, 19an Arrasaten nauzue!

Goizean berri hori jaso eta gero, hegaldiak ikusten nazkatu...eta arratsaldea kanpoan pasatzeko beharra sentitu nuen. Undermasken-en thai latte bat hartu eta ondoren kontzertu batera animatu ginen!

Black Heart prosession Amerikar rock taldea. Nahiko politte!

Igual txapadatxuak die bidixuak...lasai...ezbaditxuzue ikusten enaz haserretuko ;)

Ta ba holaxe eguna....etxera buelta gira biraka buruan!
Eunon Euskal Herri!

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